PopCap Games just released a new version of Plants vs. Zombies for the iPhone, it received a little more feature parity with its cousins on other platforms and a touch of free-to-play to boot. This new version provide nine new mini-games. Each mini-game comes bundled in packs of three, all three of which you can buy through Crazy Dave for 50,000 coins respectively.
In a fun twist that I’m sure certain crowds are going to love, the studio is allowing users to spend $.99 three times in exchange for oodles (read: 100,000) of in-game coins. Naturally, you can exchange these coins in return for these packs — or presumably whatever else you want, including new plants or slots — from the in-game shop that Crazy Dave runs.
Here’s the listing of the new mini-games. “Beghouled Twist” is certainly the most interesting of the bunch, as it apes Bejeweled, one of the most electrifying match-three games on the market.
Game Pack #3
Walnut Bowling 2: Knock ‘em dead in this killer twist to an old favorite sport.
Seeing Stars: Unravel the mystery of the star-shaped pattern.
Bobsled Bonanza: Melt the ice and defeat bobsledders and Zombonis in this frosty battle.
Game Pack #4
Invisi-Ghoul: Test your prowess to take on invisible zombies.
Last Stand: Not your average day at the pool!
ZomBotany 2: Hybrid zombies sport plant heads and abilities to up the challenge ante.
Game Pack #5
Beghouled Twist: An homage to Bejeweled Twist, this mash-up requires match-3 skill.
Pogo Party: Crash the pogo party of your roof!
Zombie Nimble Zombie Quick: Get ready to move faster than ever!
The new version of Plants vs. Zombies is now available for download now on Pandaapp, download it right now!
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